The award ceremony took place today at the National Cynological Center of the Customs Committee with the participation of the command of the National Guard, the leadership of the Customs Committee, as well as cynologists and law enforcement officers from Russia, China, Kazakhstan and Belarus.
To date, a number of events are regularly held dedicated to maintaining service discipline among the personnel and ensuring law and order.
At the initiative of the responsible heads of Syrdarya Regional Prosecutorʼs Office, the National Guard Department for Syrdarya region, the Department of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies, an on-site reception was organized at the Institute of Chemical Technologies located in Yangiyer city for residents of the city in order to provide social support to the population and unorganized youth assigned to the National Guard, as well as to study existing problems.
In order to educate the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and spend their free time usefully, as well as on the occasion of Youth Month, the National Guard Department for Namangan region organized a meeting "Head and youth".
A meeting was organized in the format of a video selector dedicated to the practical implementation of the tasks set at the expanded meeting of the Security Council, chaired by the Head of State in January this year, as well as an analysis of the work done to maintain military discipline and improve the legal culture of the personnel of the National Guard units.
To date, systematic work is underway to educate the younger generation in our country in the spirit of love and devotion to the motherland, to spend their free time with the benefit of young people and strengthen their knowledge of the history of their native land.
Nothing in the world gives people as much joy and happiness as children do.
Donor campaigns are being held in the regions in order to develop voluntary donation among the population. Another similar action was organized in the Directorates of "Protection" of the National Guard of Jizzakh and Kashkadarya regions.