About staff recruitment
PrintThe procedure for recruiting a paramilitary unit
- The paramilitary security and protection services admit citizens who have completed compulsory military service or military service in the mobilization conscription reserve of the Republic of Uzbekistan, physically healthy (with passing the established standards of physical training), whose health condition allows them to perform the service assigned to them (except the managerial, serving and technical staff). Men who are at least 178 centimeters tall and women at least 170 centimeters tall are accepted to serve in the paramilitary security units. Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan are accepted voluntarily, on a competitive basis, not younger than eighteen and not older than twenty-five years old, having the appropriate education, capable of fulfilling the official duties of an employee in terms of their personal and business qualities, state of health and physical fitness.
- It is not allowed to recruit the following persons into departmental paramilitary security and protection units: