
7 June 2024

The winners of the Open Competition for the service all-around of the National Guard cynologists have been determined

The award ceremony took place today at the National Cynological Center of the Customs Committee with the participation of the command of the National Guard, the leadership of the Customs Committee, as well as cynologists and law enforcement officers from Russia, China, Kazakhstan and Belarus.
At the ceremony, the winners were announced in certain types of the competition program, such as general training exercises, overcoming the cynological obstacle course, service biathlon, as well as in the nominations "Best Cynologist Specialist" and "Best four-legged friend".
Then the names of the winners in the team competition were announced. Thus, the team of the Main Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan took the honorable 1st place, the team of the Republic of Belarus – the 2nd place, the team of the Peopleʼs Republic of China – the 3rd place.
Recall: 12 teams from among 27 participants fought for victory for 5 days and demonstrated their skills and professionalism in such standards as the detention of a conditional criminal, general training exercises, service biathlon, trail search and overcoming obstacles.