
4 June 2024

Issues of maintaining military discipline, compliance with the rule of law and social protection of personnel of National Guard units were discussed

A meeting was organized in the format of a video selector dedicated to the practical implementation of the tasks set at the expanded meeting of the Security Council, chaired by the Head of State in January this year, as well as an analysis of the work done to maintain military discipline and improve the legal culture of the personnel of the National Guard units.
The event was attended by the Deputy commander of the National Guard, Colonel S.Mamayusupov, Deputy Military Prosecutor of the Republic, Colonel of Justice O.Holboev, judge of the Military Court of the Republic O.Dzhumaev, responsible representatives of the State Security Service and heads of regional departments, military personnel and employees.
Special attention is paid to measures to maintain discipline in the units of the National Guard, the selection and training of professional personnel, the further organization of the service, the social protection of military personnel and employees, as well as the protection of their health. In addition, the need for timely study and positive resolution of incoming appeals was emphasized.
The responsible persons were instructed to organize events aimed at making use of the free time of young people, attracting them to sports and scientific circles, as well as ensuring their employment.
At the end of the meeting, some shortcomings and mistakes committed by the staff were studied, after which tasks were set and plans were defined.