
9 February 2025
The 584th anniversary of the birth of the great poet and thinker Mir Alisher Navoi is widely celebrated in the republic

The 584th anniversary of the birth of the great poet and thinker Mir Alisher Navoi is widely celebrated in the republic

7 February 2025
A training was held in the Directorate of "Protection" of Ferghana region on the procedure for registration of administrative offenses by military personnel and employees of the National Guard, the preparation of protocols and the issuance of resolutions.

A training was held in the Directorate of "Protection" of Ferghana region on the procedure for registration of administrative offenses by military personnel and employees of the National Guard, the preparation of protocols and the issuance of resolutions.

6 February 2025
The intellectual game "Followers of Navoi" was held among the students of the Tashkent Regional Training Center of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan

On the occasion of the 584th anniversary of the birth of the poet, statesman and philosopher Nizamiddin Mir Alisher Navoi, an intellectual game "Followers of Navoi" was held among the students of the Tashkent Regional Training Center of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

5 February 2025
Competition on service all-round competition among specialized cinematologists was held

Recently, among the cynologists of the Directorate of “Protection” of the National Guard of Surkhandarya region there was held a competition on service multiathlon. The competition, held in Termez district, allowed to strengthen the knowledge and skills of canine specialists, as well as to improve their professional level and practical experience. The cynologists demonstrated their physical abilities and skills in working with service dogs.

5 February 2025
The intellectual game "Zukko kitobhon" was held at the Jizzakh Regional Training Center of the National Guard

The Jizzakh Regional Training Center of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan hosted the intellectual game "Zukko kitobhon" based on the work "Starry Nights" by writer Pirimkul Kadyrov. The purpose of the game is to promote the rich history and culture of Uzbek literature among the personnel and listeners, as well as to test their knowledge.

1 February 2025
Information and explanatory events are held in the mahallas

Systematic work is underway in all regions of our republic to ensure the implementation of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to create a safe environment and further improve the effectiveness of the early crime prevention system in the mahallas of the Republic in 2025".

31 January 2025
The National Guard is united with the youth

These days, military-patriotic, entertainment and sports events are held in all regions of our country. For example, the National Guard Department for Samarkand region recently held an open day for children of the systemʼs servicemen and employees of the “Protection” service.

31 January 2025
A seminar was held to further improve road safety and inform employees about the latest changes in traffic regulations

A seminar was held to further improve road safety and inform employees about the latest changes in traffic regulations