
1 February 2025

Information and explanatory events are held in the mahallas

Systematic work is underway in all regions of our republic to ensure the implementation of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to create a safe environment and further improve the effectiveness of the early crime prevention system in the mahallas of the Republic in 2025".
For example, recently, employees of the Directorates of "Protection" of the National Guard of Syrdarya, Ferghana and Surkhandarya regions, together with partner organizations, organized a number of events aimed at ensuring the security of property of individuals and legal entities, reliable protection of citizensʼ homes, prevention of offenses and crimes in mahallas, maintaining public order, etc.
During the events, experts noted that regular meetings with mahalla activists, the use of Protection and patrol services, remote security services, the installation of modern video surveillance systems and the introduction of alarms will help not only prevent offenses, but also increase the level of property protection. Along with this, entrepreneurs were given specific recommendations on ensuring a high level of protection of commercial and industrial facilities.
In addition, the speakers spoke about cases of theft committed in the regions over the past period, and explained that taking preventive measures and using the capabilities of the Okhrana service to increase vigilance are guarantees of safety and tranquility.
At the end of the events, applications from citizens wishing to use security services were issued. Measures to create safe zones and prevent property crimes are continuing.