In our country, the professional skills of employees are being improved in order to create the necessary conditions for improving the reliable protection of objects of citizens, society and the state, property of individuals and legal entities, as well as the effective organization of the activities of the Main Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Within the framework of the "Month of Cyberculture Enhancement", regular events aimed at suppressing cybercrimes were organized recently with the participation of employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Surkhandarya region.
As part of the work to maintain official discipline and legality among the personnel, create an atmosphere of intolerance towards cases of violation of law and order, as well as on the occasion of Crime Prevention Day, preventive meetings were organized in the Directorates of "Protection" of Ferghana and Namangan regions.
At the initiative of the National Guard Department for Namangan region and the Directorate of "Protection", sports, cultural, educational and patriotic events under the slogan "One day with youth" were organized at the "Nanay" childrenʼs health camp in Yangikurgan district.
In order to develop a culture of reading in the National Guard systems, support the creative activities of employees, as well as increase the number of readers in the ranks of the "Protection" service, literary evenings and meetings with scientific writers are regularly organized.
Today, various events are organized in order to spend the free time of young people with benefit, strengthen feelings of patriotism in their hearts, as well as comprehensive support.
The speakers at the event spoke about the work carried out by employees of the Central Apparatus the National Guard, the Main Directorate of "Protection", as well as specialists of the Central Bank and Ipoteka Bank to combat cybercrime and the progress made in this direction in our country.
In order to ensure youth employment, provide comprehensive assistance in solving problems and realizing their potential, involve them in sports, and prevent cases of violations of law and order, the youth of our republic are assigned to ministries and departments. Currently, the Republican Working Group of the National Guard Command, together with regional and district khokimiyats, law enforcement agencies, the Youth Affairs Agency, the "Mahalla seven" and other responsible organizations, are conducting targeted work with assigned youth in Andijan region.