Activities of the Republican working group of the National Guard to improve the effectiveness of work with the youth of the Andijan region
In order to ensure youth employment, provide comprehensive assistance in solving problems and realizing their potential, involve them in sports, and prevent cases of violations of law and order, the youth of our republic are assigned to ministries and departments. Currently, the Republican Working Group of the National Guard Command, together with regional and district khokimiyats, law enforcement agencies, the Youth Affairs Agency, the "Mahalla seven" and other responsible organizations, are conducting targeted work with assigned youth in Andijan region.
Thus, under the chairmanship of the head of the Republican Working Group, Deputy Commander of the National Guard, Colonel S.Mamayusupov, a video conference was organized on the prevention of juvenile delinquency, as well as the further development of cooperation in this direction.
During the meeting, measures were discussed to enhance cooperation between psychologists-inspectors of the National Guard, inspectors of prevention and the "Mahalla seven". Along with this, the existing problems in this area were analyzed, after which officials were given instructions to solve these problems.
In addition, training camps have been organized in Namangan and Andijan regions under the slogan "Youth devoted to the motherland" and "Meeting of leaders with youth" in order to educate young people in the spirit of patriotism, their involvement in public life, as well as professional orientation.
At the end of these works, competitions in chess, checkers, boxing, mini-football, table tennis, archery, equestrian sports, volleyball, basketball, athletics, swimming, as well as concert programs were held in order to further develop the system of work with young people, increase the effectiveness of sports, cultural and educational activities among them.