Psychologists from the Directorate of "Protection" of Tashkent region and Chirchik State Pedagogical University organized a training seminar for employees of the Bekabad interdistrict department of "Protection" aimed at studying the mental state of personnel, suppressing psychological stress and emotional outbursts.
In order to further expand the worldview, develop practical skills and logical thinking of students of the Tashkent regional Training Center of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as increase their interest in books, an intellectual game "Zukko kitobhon" was held.
Educating the younger generation in the spirit of love and loyalty to the Motherland, respect for our national values, as well as developing feelings of courage, bravery and pride in their country in the hearts of young people is one of the most important tasks today.
As part of the "Crime Prevention Day", a round table was held in the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Khorezm region on the topic "Rights and duties of employees in ensuring the safety of property of individuals and legal entities, as well as strict observance of professional culture". Specialists of the Khorezm Regional Court spoke at the event and told about some cases in which employees may find themselves.
A special place in the professional activities of the National Guard personnel is occupied by joining and adapting to the team, a fixed daily routine and interpersonal relationships that differ from service and ordinary life.
At all times, the theater has been a place for educating a person, raising his moral and cultural level. An outstanding figure of Uzbek literature and drama, Mahmudhuja Behbudi, called the theater a place where people see examples of the best and worst qualities of a person. The head of our state, continuing the thought of the famous educator, defined the theater as a center of culture, and those who serve in it as engineers of human souls.
The event was attended by the Tashkent city Prosecutor, the responsible Military Prosecutorʼs Office, district khokimiyats, the Directorate of "Protection" of Tashkent city, the Department of Internal Affairs and activists of makhallas. The main issue on the agenda was the fight against crime and ensuring the implementation of the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 12, 2018 "On measures to improve the efficiency of ensuring the safety of property of individuals and legal entities".
The intellectual game "Zakovat" was held at the Jizzakh regional Training Center of the National Guard in order to familiarize the permanent staff and listeners with Uzbek literature, rich history and cultural heritage, as well as to test their knowledge.