
14 September 2024

The memory of the brave sons who gave their lives for the defense of the Motherland is eternal!

Educating the younger generation in the spirit of love and loyalty to the Motherland, respect for our national values, as well as developing feelings of courage, bravery and pride in their country in the hearts of young people is one of the most important tasks today.
It is for this reason that patriotic hours are organized in schools, during which students are introduced to the ongoing reforms, as well as talk about the heroism of brave sons who gave their lives in the name of peace and prosperity of our country.
So, the other day at school № 36 in Peshkun district, with the participation of the leadership of the Directorate of "Protection" and the chairman of the Council of Veterans of the National Guard, an event dedicated to the memory of employee Jurabek Shirinov, who died in the line of duty, was held.
The speakers at the event told about the deceased employee of the Security service, and also thanked the parents and the school management for raising a brave and devoted son to his homeland.