In Yakkasaray and Sergeli districts of the capital, together with representatives of law enforcement agencies and district activists, events were organized to suppress law and order and combat crime.
The event was attended by the Tashkent city Prosecutor, the responsible Military Prosecutorʼs Office, district khokimiyats, the Directorate of "Protection" of Tashkent city, the Department of Internal Affairs and activists of makhallas. The main issue on the agenda was the fight against crime and ensuring the implementation of the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 12, 2018 "On measures to improve the efficiency of ensuring the safety of property of individuals and legal entities".
The speakers touched upon the issues of responsibility for the crimes committed, timely detection and suppression of violations. In addition, the importance of regular conversations with citizens and business entities by the chairmen and activists of the mahallas was emphasized. At the end of the events, specialists of the Directorate of "Protection" of Tashkent city informed citizens about modern security equipment, told about their role and importance, the process of equipping houses and other facilities with similar means for early suppression of violations of law and order.