At all times, the theater has been a place for educating a person, raising his moral and cultural level. An outstanding figure of Uzbek literature and drama, Mahmudhuja Behbudi, called the theater a place where people see examples of the best and worst qualities of a person. The head of our state, continuing the thought of the famous educator, defined the theater as a center of culture, and those who serve in it as engineers of human souls. Indeed, where, if not in the theater, you can experience moments of happiness and grief with the actors and get life lessons by drawing conclusions from what they saw and heard.
The other day, employees of the Ferghana Regional Training Center of the National Guard and their families, as well as students and military personnel of military service, visited the Margilan city theater of the musical makom at the premiere of the play "Uwaysiy".
It is worth noting that the performance made an unforgettable impression on the audience, forcing them to reflect on the eternal confrontation of good and evil, light and darkness.
In addition, at the initiative of the National Guard Department for Kashkadarya region and the Directorate of "Protection", a visit to the regional musical drama theater was organized for military personnel and employees, as well as their families.
The game presented by the actors and the non-repetitive life images caused a lot of positive emotions among the audience, and family relationships, human qualities and possible negative situations, superbly staged by the actors, served as a life lesson.