On the initiative of the National Guard, various cultural and educational events and sports competitions are organized for young people in the regions. For example, the National Guard Department for Surkhandarya region recently organized an open day for youth and pupils.
Graduation ceremonies were held the other day to present graduation certificates to employees of the "Protection" units who successfully completed 148-hour initial and advanced training courses, as well as consolidated their knowledge and skills in the areas of professional training.
On the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of our countryʼs independence, spiritual and educational events are continuing in the regions. In particular, in Samarkand and Surkhandarya regions, in cooperation with the departments of preschool and school education, essay contests on the theme "Independence is the greatest and most sacred good" were held among military personnel and employees of the National Guard.
On the occasion of the thirty-third anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as in order to further increase the level of knowledge and intellectual potential, expand the worldview of the listeners of the Tashkent regional Training Center of the National Guard, an intellectual game "Zakovat" was held.
Various cultural, educational and sports events are held in Surkhandarya region with the participation of National Guard personnel. A vivid example of this is an excursion to the "Termiz" State Museum-Reserve for employees of the department of "Protection" of Termez city.
On the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a drawing contest on the theme "In the radiance of colors - the beauty of my Homeland" was held among the children of employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of Namangan region and city-district departments of "Protection".
On the occasion of the holiday the Directorate of “Protection” of the National Guard of Andijan region together with other partner agencies organized a festive event under the slogan “Only united - we are one people, only together - we are a strong country!” for the inmates of the orphanage “Muruvat” in Kurghantepa district of the region.
At the event, the Deputy Commander of the National Guard, Colonel M.J.Ganiev, sincerely congratulated the employees of the "Protection" service system, devoted to their official duty, standing guard around the clock for the peace and tranquility of our country, and also expressed deep respect and best wishes.