The importance of trainings in the formation and development of professional skills
The importance of trainings in the formation and development of professional skills is undeniable. They help to adapt to the profession, create a positive atmosphere in the team, form and develop the skills of employees, and prevent depression.
In the department of "Protection" of the National Guard of Kibray district, Tashkent region, a training on the topic "The role of psychological training in the service process" was organized with the participation of personnel.
In the second part of the event, classes were held based on special games "Memory exercises", "Whoʻs fast", "Umbrella and Stick" in order to timely analyze the events that happened, develop memorization skills, focus attention, build teamwork and interact with colleagues.
A similar training was held at the Presidential School of the city of Jizzakh with the participation of employees of the regional Directorate "Protection".
During the training on the topic "Together to protect the rights of children!", information was provided on the relevant articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and practical exercises were conducted to solve various situations that may arise within the framework of official activities.