
10 May 2023


One of the main sources of reliable property protection is decent working conditions for employees. In the department of "Protection" of Kasbiy district of Kashkadarya region, which has acquired a modern look, all conditions have been created for employees. In particular, the opening ceremony of the administrative building, put into operation in a short time, was attended by the responsible of the Main Directorate of "Protection", the district khokimiyat and employees of other law enforcement agencies.

The deputy head of the Main Directorate of "Protection", Colonel Buronov Zafar Istamovich, made a speech and noted the conditions created. In addition, it was emphasized that from now on, employees should serve with even greater responsibility and vigilance. Then information was given about the work carried out by the commander of the National Guard in the system, as well as about benefits for personnel and their social support.

The new building, built in accordance with modern requirements, has comfortable office premises, a gym equipped with specialized simulators, a library, rest rooms, a psychologist's office for studying the psycho-emotional state of employees.
We can say that this is a worthy gift to officers, sergeants and ordinary employees of the department.