In order to increase the spiritual and cultural knowledge of employees serving in the systems of the Main Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard, a number of events and training seminars are held in the regions. Another such event was held with the participation of employees of the Derictorate of "Protection" of Khorezm region. Lectures on the topics "Etiquette of using social networks" and "Spirituality, its role in the development of society and the upbringing of a well-rounded personality" were delivered by teachers of the Urgench State University and specialists of the Department of Culture of the Urgench district.
During the seminar, the words of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov were quoted in the work "High Spirituality is an Invincible Force" that "spirituality" is a concept that brings a person to the level of a perfect personality and is closely connected with his mind and spirit, as well as occupying an immeasurable place in the life of every person, society, nation and people. In addition, it is emphasized that "Spirituality is the inner world of a person, which promotes spiritual purification and growth, strengthens his will. Faith is an incomparable force that completes his faith, awakens his conscience and is the criterion of all his views." At the end of the event, the employees received detailed answers to their questions.