Employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Ferghana Region conduct information and explanatory work among the population and business entities on the advantages of the "Protection" service, modern protection equipment and devices, types of protection, tariffs, as well as conditions created to ensure reliable protection of the property of individuals and legal entities.
In particular, the other day, employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of Ferghana region, together with officials of the State Unitary Enterprise "Qo'riqlash services", held another information and explanatory event among residents and businesses of Kuvasay city.
The event was held with the participation of residents of the mahalla Amir Temur and heads of business facilities located in the city market.
During the event, the staff provided detailed information about the importance of the "Protection" service in the prevention of property crimes, as well as told about the types of services. In addition, they answered the residents' questions.
At the end of the event, applications received from citizens who expressed a desire to entrust their homes to the "Protection" service were considered.