
26 March 2023


Recently, a round table was held at the Ferghana Regional Training Center of the National Guard, during which such important aspects as strengthening the spiritual potential of listeners, feelings of noble service to the motherland, as well as responsibility and vigilance in protecting public order were touched upon.

The speakers stressed that the preservation and protection of peace and tranquility of the Motherland is the most honorable task, and also noted the hard work of employees for the benefit of ensuring reliable protection of citizens' property.

The event was attended by officials of the regional administration of the Committee on Religious Affairs, the Muslim Administration and the Spiritual and Educational Center, who especially stressed: "It is not what my country has given me that matters, but what I have done for it." Along with this, the need to remain vigilant and avoid various destructive ideas was noted.

It is also noted that in order to protect against the influence of other people's ideas and ideologies, a person should first of all strengthen his spiritual immunity, paying special attention to reading books.