An open Day for schoolchildren was held in the Directorate of "Protection" of Namangan region
Increasing the interest of the younger generation in the military profession, providing comprehensive support and their professional orientation is one of the important tasks. To this end, the Directorate of "Protection" of Namangan region organized an open Day for pupils of the specialized school № 1 in Namangan city.
The main purpose of the event is to familiarize young people with the essence of the honorable and responsible profession of defender of the Motherland and increase their interest in the military sphere. The pupils also learned a lot of new and interesting things about the daily activities of the employees of the Directorate of "Protection", got acquainted with the conditions and created opportunities to improve their professional skills.
During the event, the experts provided the children with detailed information and gave full answers to their questions. Such events help young people understand the essence of military service and be inspired by an honorable and responsible profession.