Solemn ceremonies of awarding certificates to graduates were held in Regional educational centers
In the Regional Training Centers of the National Guard, swearing-in ceremonies were held for ordinary employees of the Main Directorate of "Protection", and certificates of graduation were solemnly awarded to employees of paramilitary security units who successfully completed initial training courses. It should be noted that during the training, the students increased the level of shooting and physical training, as well as strengthened knowledge and skills in the areas of vocational training.
The students who took an active part in the training and social work were awarded certificates of honor.
The events were attended by the leadership and officials of the Regional Training Centers of the National Guard, who called on the students to fulfill their responsible and honorable duty with honor and pride.
It is worth noting that in order to form feelings of devotion and patriotism among the younger generation, the youth assigned to the National Guard were invited to these ceremonies. During the visit, the boys and girls learned a lot about the National Guard system and training centers.