
4 July 2024

Training seminars are held in the regions in order to familiarize employees with the essence and content of the strategy "Uzbekistan - 2030"

In order to further strengthen the legal knowledge of the personnel of the Main Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard and its regional units, as well as to familiarize themselves with the essence and content of the strategy "Uzbekistan – 2030", training seminars are organized with the participation of officials, professors and teachers, as well as specialists.
At the events, information is provided on innovations and additions to legislation, requirements for military personnel and employees of the National Guard, tasks defined in the strategy "Uzbekistan – 2030", measures put forward by the head of our state, as well as measures aimed at their practical implementation.
In addition, during the events, round tables are held dedicated to strengthening the feelings of patriotism and belonging to the fate of the motherland in the hearts of employees, nobility and loyalty to their profession, as well as maintaining official discipline. Along with this, attention is paid to issues such as the prevention of violations of discipline, traffic accidents when driving official and personal cars. In addition, responsible persons emphasize the need to curb cases of fraud, corruption and gambling, as well as inform seminar participants about their negative consequences and responsibility established by the legislation of our country.