
29 February 2024

During the raid events in the schools of our capital, stabbing and cutting objects were seized from some schoolchildren

As a result of such events, folding knives called "butterfly" were seized from pupils of the eighth grade of school № 195 and the eleventh grade of school № 178 of Chilanzar district, and a pen–shaped knife was seized from a ninth-grader of school № 267 of Sergeli district.
Psychological inspectors of the National Guard conducted preventive conversations with the parents of the pupils and in the presence of the school administration. During such conversations, parents were reminded that carrying such items with them signals that children are in trouble and are only trying to protect themselves in this way. Therefore, parents should pay more attention to their children, their behavior, talk with them about what is happening at school and in the classroom, and learn about their relationships with peers.
Do you know about the origin of the butterfly folding knife? This knife was invented by Filipino sailors to conveniently cut ropes and sails during a storm with one hand. In addition, the butterfly knife has a criminal past: it was used by street gangs and members of the criminal community.
If your child is not a sailor or a street robber, then why would he need a knife?
This is the question we want to ask teenagers and parents: why would a student carry a similar, and most importantly– a dangerous object? Of course, such knives are part of stationery and are sold in almost any store, including on the Internet. But why is it in the briefcase? After all, a student does not cut paper with a knife in class.
Dear parents, pay more attention to your children, be interested in your childʼs activities and hobbies, talk more with him, build trusting relationships. After all, this is the child you dreamed of, whom you want to raise as a good person, to whom you wish a happy future.