In order to strengthen the spiritual and moral training of employees of the Main Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard and its regional units, open dialogues on the topics "Distorted interpretation of the foundations of Islam for selfish purposes: truth and affirmation" and "Strengthening the prevention of religious radicalization and external influence among employees" were held today in the format of videoconferences.
The speakers noted the presence of negative situations, such as the distortion of Islamic beliefs and the essence of Islam in personal interests through radicalized groups, as well as in social networks.
At the same time, the importance of strengthening the views of employees based on religious values, as well as their selfless work for the benefit of ensuring peace and tranquility of citizens was emphasized.
The organized dialogues turned out to be full of interesting questions and answers. Employees from the most remote regions were also involved in the dialogues to strengthen their knowledge and skills.