An open dialogue was organized for listeners of the Tashkent Regional Training Center in order to strengthen feelings of patriotism and love for the Motherland, as well as involvement in the fate of their people and country.
The event was attended by the knight of the Order of "Mehnat Shukhrati", Doctor of Philosophy Jamila Tashpulatovna Shermukhammedova. Based on her life experience, she revealed the secrets of easily overcoming various difficulties that employees may face in the course of hard work, and also told how to find a way out of negative situations and improve the culture of communication with citizens. In addition, she expressed reasonable opinions on ways to influence and reach agreement in conflict situations.
It is gratifying that sincere dialogues turned into heart-to-heart conversations, at the end of which D.Shermukhamedova highly appreciated the work of her selfless sons and wished the employees to achieve even greater results and goals in the future.