Trainings are organized to strengthen the mental stability of employees
Psychologists-specialists of the Main directorate of "Protection" and territorial divisions regularly conduct psychological trainings with personnel, paying special attention to improving a healthy spiritual and moral environment among employees and their families, as well as timely elimination of problematic situations that arise during their service.
Another similar training was held the other day with the participation of management personnel. Employees have developed a deeper understanding of psychology and the skills to use it effectively in their work. Interactive classes on teamwork, stress management, and creating transparent and constructive workplace relationships were also held.
As a result, the psycho-emotional state of the employees has stabilized, their psychological stability, productivity and motivation have increased. In addition, individual in-depth psychodiagnostic interviews were conducted with each employee, which helped to improve the atmosphere in the team, strengthen cohesion and friendship among employees, as well as increase their work efficiency.