Trips to museums are organized for employees and their families
Today, systematic work is underway to organize meaningful leisure activities for employees and their families, further strengthen their knowledge of the history of our Homeland.
In particular, an excursion to the Museum of Memory of Victims of Repression, located in Navoi city, was organized for employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of Navoi region. During the tour, the staff learned a lot of new and interesting things about the main events of the war period, the history and modern activities of the region, as well as about the exhibits of that time.
In addition, in order to spend their free time with the benefit of children of military personnel and employees of the National Guard Department for Khorezm region and the Directorate of "Protection", a trip to the Museum of Modern Art of Uzbekistan, located in Urgench city, was organized.
The participants of the tour got acquainted with unique works of art that tell about the glorious past of our dear Homeland.
It is worth noting that visiting museums helps to better understand the rich historical past of our people, as well as to become a worthy follower of our ancestors.