Round tables are organized on the issues of security in educational institutions
The Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Jizzakh region, together with the Department of Preschool and School Education, organizes round tables on security issues in educational institutions.
So, during another such event, the speakers spoke about the duties of employees of departmental security units serving in secondary schools in the region, and also stressed the need to remain vigilant even before the start of the new school year and to prevent various adverse cases. In addition, measures to improve the skills of working in cooperation with law enforcement agencies were discussed.
During the event, experts also informed the audience about the essence and significance of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to organize the activities of departmental paramilitary security and departmental security units", and also provided detailed information on the installation of turnstile devices that detect the intrusion of unauthorized persons into the territory of an educational institution.