Psychological training and a round table were organized on the topics "The role of communication in interpersonal relationships" and "The profiling method"
As you know, significant changes are taking place in all spheres nowadays. It would not be an exaggeration to include the field of science and psychology among them. Day after day, new methods are being discovered and widely used, a number of systematic works are being carried out in order to increase knowledge and form psychological immunity among citizens, including employees serving in the management systems of the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Khorezm region. So, a few days ago, a psychological training and a round table were held on the topics "The role of communication in interpersonal relationships" and "The profiling method".
Teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Urgench State University took part in the event and read lectures on the importance of the above topics, as well as told in which cases and how to use the knowledge gained during the event. Then the experts answered in detail all the questions of the participants.