Patriotic, sports and entertainment events are organized
The National Guard, the Military Prosecutorʼs Office and the Ministry of Defense are conducting joint activities to educate young people, especially those living in remote and border regions, in the spirit of patriotism.
For example, patriotic, sports and entertainment events have been organized recently in order to strengthen the hearts of citizens of Izboskan district of Andijan region and pupils of secondary school № 25 in the spirit of love and loyalty to the Motherland, as well as increase their interest in the Armed Forces.
In particular, an exhibition of military equipment and special equipment used by employees and military personnel was organized for young people. The event was accompanied by melodies and songs performed by a Military band.
In addition, demonstrations were held by employees, after which experts informed citizens and schoolchildren about the tasks and importance of the Armed Forces. At the end of the events, master classes were organized for the children.