
23 October 2024

A regular meeting with employees and their families has been organized

The Directorates of "Protection" of Syrdarya and Jizzakh regions, together with the Military Prosecutorʼs Office, organized round tables to ensure social and legal protection of employees, increase their legal knowledge, and suppress cases of violations of discipline and law and order.
At the events held in the video selector format, the need to maintain official discipline and law and order, comply with traffic regulations when managing official and personal transport, show goodwill to citizens, and carry out preventive work to prevent various adverse events was noted.
In addition, during the events, employees were provided with detailed information about responsibility for fraud, receiving and giving bribes, corruption and mediation in them.
Opinions were discussed and expressed on such topical issues as family relations, attention to childrenʼs education, and increasing a sense of patriotism among young people.
At the end of the event, the participants received detailed answers to their questions.