All favorable opportunities have been created in our country for the comprehensive development of the younger generation, as well as for young people to receive high-quality education.
In addition, defenders of the motherland also play an important role in educating young people in the spirit of military patriotism and their professional orientation.
In this regard, the Department of the National Guard in the Namangan region and the Department of "Protection" organized an open day for more than 300 schoolchildren.
As part of the event, a tour of the military unit was organized for young people, as well as an exhibition of weapons and military equipment in order to familiarize themselves with the activities of the National Guard.
After that, demonstrations by employees and service dogs of the National Guard took place, which awakened in the hearts of the children the desire to become military in the future. Archery workshops also aroused great interest.
The purpose of the event is to educate young people in the spirit of military patriotism and familiarize them with the opportunities created for military personnel, the achievements of employees in sports and official activities.