
19 August 2024

The objectives have been defined within the framework of the "Safe School" principle

Under the leadership of the head of the Directorate of "Protection" of Tashkent city, Colonel K.A.Shodibekov, as well as the head of the Tashkent city Department of Preschool and School Education, N.K.Khusanboeva, a meeting was held with employees serving in 324 secondary schools of our capital.
At the meeting, a number of tasks were identified aimed at fulfilling the requirements of the Decree of the head of our state about additional measures to improve the system of prevention of offenses among minors, suppression of violations of the rule of law and ensuring work based on the concept of "Safe School". Along with this, the event provided instructions and concepts on how to work with special tools, as well as discussed issues of providing them with a special service uniform.
At the end of the event, employees were assigned a number of tasks and given instructions on the topic of the day.