Field receptions held on the ground undoubtedly give the expected results in studying citizens' problems and solving them. Today, a qualitatively new system of work with citizens' appeals has been created in the activities of state bodies. Thus, at the initiative of the Gulistan Military Prosecutor's Office, another visiting reception was organized with the participation of employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Syrdarya region and their families. Representatives of the Employment Assistance Center of Gulistan city, commercial banks, the Department of Preschool and School Education and other government organizations also took part.
This event is organized in order to assist in the realization of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, youth, employees and their family members. At the reception, which was held in the form of an open dialogue, each participant sent an appeal regarding their daily life needs. In particular, appeals on judicial and legal issues, employment, housing and cadastral registration, as well as practical assistance in obtaining preferential loans for starting your own business were registered.
During the on-site reception, 11 appeals were registered, legal advice was given on 6 appeals, and 5 were monitored and sent to the responsible departments. Such visiting reception rooms are of great importance in the effective solution of citizens' problems.