
26 July 2024

Regular events within the framework of the "Month of Cyberculture Enhancement" were held at the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Khorezm region

As you know, today it is difficult to imagine our life without social networks. The use of bank plastic cards has also become an integral part of our lives. The commission of cybercrimes in this area creates real problems for our compatriots.
In this regard, in order to inform employees about the news, especially about new forms of cybercrime, specialists from the Cybersecurity Center of the Operational Search Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Cybersecurity Department of the regional Department of Internal Affairs and the Cybersecurity Center of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan visited the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Khorezm region.
During the event, information was presented about new types of cybercrimes, protection from fake links and virus programs distributed on social networks. The importance of taking precautions against possible threats on the Internet was emphasized. Along with this, it was noted that the weight of crimes committed on the Internet and social networks is increasing dramatically, so you should always protect your personal information and not provide it to outsiders.
Then, videos about cybercrime were presented to the audience, after which the specialists answered all the questions of the employees.