The important tasks of ensuring safety in educational institutions were discussed
A meeting was held in Ferghana city with the participation of officials of general education and pre-school educational institutions.
Employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Ferghana region, regional inspectors of prevention and employees of the Department of Preschool and School Education took part.
The speakers informed the participants of the event about the essence and content of the joint resolution of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, as well as the Ministry of Preschool and School Education dated April 11, 2023 "On approval of instructions on the procedure for ensuring the safety of educational institutions and interaction with them, as well as requirements for candidates for positions of employees departmental protection units", on the work to further improve the psychological environment in educational institutions, maintaining law and order and preventing violations of the rule of law by pupils, etc. Along with this, issues of strengthening the interaction of all links of the School-Mahalla-Family chain, student academic performance and attendance, problems in this area and ways to solve them, as well as the organization of military-patriotic events in educational institutions were discussed.
At the end of the meeting, training sessions were held in order to increase the level of knowledge of employees of departmental security units, after which the specialists answered in detail all the questions of the participants of the meeting.