Everyone knows that the development of our society, which has a thousand-year history, took place on the basis of the rich heritage of our great ancestors.
The Directorate of "Protection" of National Guard of Namangan region, together with the regional Military Prosecutorʼs Office, the Youth Affairs Department and the Namangan Regional Council of the trade Union of employees of public institutions and public services, organized an intellectual tournament "Zakovat" under the slogan "Only united – we are one people, only together – we are a strong country!" among the employees of the "Protection" service in under the age of 30. The main goal of the tournament, held at the Zakovat club in Namangan city, is to increase the potential and level of knowledge, expand the worldview of the personnel.
14 teams from among the employees serving in the regional department of "Protection", as well as in city and district departments competed for the championship. Each team had to answer 24 questions on different topics.
According to the results of the tournament, the 1st place was taken by the team of the department of "Protection" of Naryn district, the 2nd place by the department of "Protection" of Namangan city, the 3rd place by the Directorate of "Protection" of Namangan region.
The winners and prize-winners were awarded diplomas and monetary rewards from the management of the Directorate of "Protection", as well as a free ticket to Khorezm region from the Namangan regional Council of the trade Union of employees of state institutions and public services.