
18 January 2025

There is no future without the past

Everyone knows that only by educating the younger generation, the masters of our future, in the spirit of love and devotion to the Motherland, respect for national traditions and forming in them a sense of national pride and dignity, will we be able to educate patriotic people who will be physically and spiritually developed and possess strong ideological immunity to alien ideas.

To this end, employees of the department of "Protection" of Namangan city organized an excursion to the open-air museum "Aksikent", located in Turakurgan district, for pupils of the State Specialized Secondary School № 1. During the tour, the children learned a lot about the history of the Aksikent monument. This, in turn, helped the children realize how ancient the region in which they live was, and how majestic their ancestors were, thanks to the discoveries they made, as well as to feel pride and respect for their history.