
21 October 2024

October 21 is the day of awarding the Uzbek language the status of the state language

Today, on the occasion of the Day of the Uzbek Language Holiday, the Directorates of "Protection" of Ferghana, Bukhara and Khorezm regions organized events under the slogan "May your value be high, my native language!". The events were attended by qualified specialists who told the audience about the history, importance of the Uzbek language and reforms for the development of the native language.
In addition, the speakers spoke about the richness and beauty of the Uzbek language, its inextricable connection with the culture and history of our people, as well as the responsibility for the further development of the national language and its transmission to future generations as a heritage.
The participants were also able to express their opinion on further increasing the value of our native language, and also received answers to their questions.
Then the staff held the "Best Young Writer" and "Best Poet" contests. The main goal is to develop the creative potential of young people, to cultivate in their hearts feelings of love and respect for the Uzbek language.