Protected objects
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Years of experience
Theft prevented in 2025
Head of the Directorate of Protection: colonel Nortojiyev Dilshod Ortiqovich
Address: Tashkent region Kibray district, Salar kurgan, Ziyokorlar 1, house 50.
Reception days: 09:00-12:00, Mon-Fri
The Directorate of Protection of Tashkent region : Tashkent region, Kibray district, Salar Street, 25-A
Head of the Directorate of Protection: Colonel Khasanov Bahodir Maxsudjanovich
Address: Urgench city, Tinchlik street, 12
Reception days: 09:00 - 12:00, Mon-Fri
Directorate of Protection of Khorezm region. Address: 12 Tinchlik Street, Urgench city. Phone: +998 62 228-68-38Department of Protection of Urgench city. Address: 12 Tinchlik Street, Urgench city (in the building of the Directorate of Protection). Phone: +998 62 228-65-40Department of Protection of Urgench district. Address: 2 Mevazor street, Urgench district. Phone: +998 62 35-22-094Department of protection of Bogot district. Address: 3 Urgench street, Bogot district. Phone: +998 62 31-52-936Department of Protection Gurlan district. Address: 80 P. Mahmud Street, Gurlan district. Phone: +998 62 36-53-649Department of protection of Koshkopir district. Address: 16 Mustakillik street, Koshkopir district. Phone: +998 62 33-21-262Department of Protection of Tuprakkala district. Address: Tuprakkala district, bridge over the Amu Darya and railway. Phone: +998 62 33-21-262Department of Protection of Honka district. Address: 21 Victory Street, Honka district. Phone: +998 62 39-92-689Khiva intercity Department of Protection. Address: 2 Margib Street, Yangiturmush, Khiva city. Phone: +998 62 37-75-127Department of Protection of Shovot district. Address: Shovot district, Usta Sadik street, house without a number. Phone number: +998 62 34-54-051Department of Protection of Yangiarik District. Address: Yangiarik district, Mustakillik street. Phone: +998 62 38-54-402Department of protection of Khazorap district. Address: 2 Uzbekistan street, Khazorapsky district. Phone: +998 62 38-54-402
Head of the Directorate of Protection: Colonel Tuychiyev Zayliddin Unarboyevich
Address: Fergana city, Aksu street, 4
Reception days: 09:00 - 12:00, Mon-Fri
The address of the Directorate of Protection of Fergana region: Fergana city, Aksu street, 4. Phone: (73) 226-36-31
The address of the Department of Protection of Fergana city: Fergana city, Aksu street, 4. Phone: (73) 226-55-56
The address of the Department of Protection of Kokand city: Kokand city, A. Navoi Street, 147. Phone: (73) 541-00-66
The address of a Separate battalion of the Department of Protection of Fergana region: Fergana city, Sanoat street, 222. Phone: : (73) 242-60-81
The address of the Department of Protection of Kokand city: Kokand city, A. Navoi Street, 147. Phone: (73) 541-00-66
The address of Besharik intercity department of Protection: Besharik district, A. Navoi street, 10. Phone: (73) 612-11-93
The address of the Department of Protection of Kokand city: Kokand city, A. Navoi Street, 147. Phone: (73) 541-00-66
The address of the Department of Protection of Baghdad district: Baghdad district, Dustlik Street, 4. Phone: (73) 473-30-39
The address of the Department of Protection of Buwayda district: Buwayda district, Bogi Eram street, 173. Phone: (73) 529-17-33
The address of the Department of Protection of Dangarin district: Dangarin district, Hamid Alimzhan Street, 55. Phone: (73) 572-15-34
The address of the Department of Protection of Yazyavan district: Yazyavan district, Ukituvchilar street, 19. Phone: (73) 402-10-04
The address of the Department of Protection of Kuva district: Kuva city, Kaikubad Street, 276. Phone: (73) 315-51-52
The address of the Department of Protection of Kuvasai City: Kuvasai city, Independence Street, 3. Phone: (73) 372 05 16
The address of the Department of Protection of Kushtepin district: Kushtepin district, Bogimaidon street, 43. Phone: (73) 422-60-16
The address of Margilan intercity Department of Protection: Margilan city, Zuhro Street, 10. Phone: (73) 235 01 20
The address of the Department of Protection of Altyaryk district: Altyaryk city, Yu.Asimov Street, 2. Phone: (73) 432-01-03
The address of the Department of Protection of Rishtan district: Rishtan district, Rashidaniy Street, 175. Phone: (73) 452-52-34
The address of the Department of Protection of Sokh district: Sokh district, A. Temur Street, 102. Phone: (73) 462-55-49
The address of the Department of Protection of Uchkuprik district: Uchkuprik district, Navruz street. Phone: (73) 515- 22-54
The address of the Department of Protection of Ferghana district: Ferghana district, Margilanskaya street, 8. Phone: (73) 353-00-60
The address of the Department of Protection of Uzbekistan district: Uzbekistan district, A. Navoi Street. Phone: (73) 539-15-81
Head of the Directorate of Protection: Lieutenant Colonel Choriyev Alibek Bobomurovich
Address: Termez city, Nurafshan street, 2
Reception days: 09:00 - 12:00, Mon-Fri
Head of the Directorate of Protection: Colonel Shodibekov Kobil Adilovich
Address: Tashkent City
Reception days: 09:00 - 12:00, Mon-Fri
Department of Protection of Yashnabad district: Yashnabad district, Mukhtar Ashrafi str., 2 passage, 70-A. Phone: (71) 283-63-67
Department of Protection of Mirzo-Ulugbek district: Mirzo-Ulugbek district, Intelligar street, 3-A. Phone: (95) 478-58-19
Department of Protection of Mirabad district: Mirabad district, Temiryulchilar Street, 27. Phone: (71) 291-52-37
Department of Protection of Almazar district: Almazar district, Karakamysh, 2/1, 24-A. Phone: (71) 246-68-26
Department of Protection of Yangikhaet district: Yangikhaet and Sergeli districts: Yangikhaet district, Birlik Street, 70. Phone: (55) 503-04-68
Department of Protection of Uchtepa district: Uchtepa district, Katta Hirmontepa street, 21. Phone: (71) 207-01-42
Department of Protection of Chilanzar district: Chilanzar district, Katta Hirmontepa street, 21. Phone: (71) 207-01-38
Department of Protection of Shaykhantakhur district: Shaykhantakhur district, A. Navoi Street, 17-A. Phone: (71) 203-30-12
Department of Protection of Yunusabad district: Yunusabad district, Karim Zaripov Street, 14. Phone: (71) 203-40-12
Department of Protection of Yakkasaray district: Yakkasaray district, Yakkasarayskaya Street, 4. Phone: (71) 250-88-44
Department of Protection of Bektemir district: Bektemir district, Huseyn Baykary Street, 92. Phone: (71) 295-03-48
Head of the Directorate of Protection: Leutenant Colonnel Yulyaxshiev Baxtiyor Bo'riboyevich
Address: 47, United street, Gulistan city, Syrdarya region
Reception days: 09:00 - 12:00, Mon-Fri
1. The Directorate of Protection of the National Guard of the Syrdarya region. Address: 47 Birlashgan Street, Gulistan city. Phone: 67-225-45-432. Gulistan Intercity Department of Protection of the National Guard of the Syrdarya region. Address: 47 Birlashgan Street, Gulistan city. Phone: 67-225-45-433. Yangier Intercity Department of Protection of the National Guard of the Syrdarya region. Address: Yangier city, mahalla Marifat, Tinchlik Street. Phone: 67-350-20-044. The Department of Protection of the National Guard of the Syrdarya region. Address: Saykhunabad district, Turan mahalla, A. Navoi Street. Phone: 67-333-25-435. The Department of Protectionof of the National Guard. Address: Syrdarya District, mahalla Bahor, Uzbekistan Street. Phone: 67-377-20-25
Head of the Directorate of Protection: Lieutenant Colonel Namozov Rahim Murodullayevich
Address: City of Samarkand
Reception days: 09:00 - 12:00, Mon-Fri
The address of the Department of Protection of Samarkand region: Samarkand city, Chukur street, 112. Phone +998662334198
The address of the Department of Protection of Samarkand city: Samarkand city, Beruniy street, 26. Phone: +998662292553
The address of the Department of Protection of Bulungur district: Bulungur city, Bulungur street, 24.Phone: 442-16-39
The address of the Department of Protection of Jambai district: Jambai city, Naiman Street, 31. Phone: 475-24-22
The address of the Department of Protection of Ishtykhan district: Ishtykhan city, Ishtykhan street, 18. Phone: 629-16-02
The address of the Department of Protection of Kattakurgan city: Kattakurgan city, Nuroniy Street, 7. Phone: 455-16-35
Head of the Directorate of Protection: colonel Boronov Zafar Istamovich
Address: Namangan city
Reception days: 09:00 - 12:00, Mon-Fri
Head of the Directorate of Protection: colonel Tursunov Akmal Pardayevich
Address: Navoi city
Reception days: 09:00 - 12:00, Mon-Fri
Address of the Directorate of Protection of Navoi Region: Navoi city, Mustakillik Street, 24A
Head of the Directorate of Protection: Lieutenant Colonel Nurmatov Golibjon Gofurovich
Address: Karshi city, Jayhun street
Reception days: 09:00 - 12:00, Mon-Fri
Head of the Directorate of Protection: Colonel Amirov Orif Abduraupovich
Address: 5 Sayiljoyi Street, Jizzakh city. tel. (72) 226-02-28. fax: (72) 226-59-37
Reception days: 09:00 - 12:00, Mon-Fri
Head of the Directorate of Protection: Lieutenant Colonel Kalzhanov Meirzhan Izzatullayevich
Address: City of Nukus
Reception days: 09:00 - 12:00, Mon-Fri
Head of the Directorate of Protection: Lieutenant Colonel Jumayev Sherzod Abdullayevich
Address: 10, M.Iqbol Street, Bukhara city,
Reception days: 09:00 - 12:00, Mon-Fri
The address of the Security Department of the Bukhara region: Bukhara city, 10 Muhammad Iqbal Street.
The address of the Security Department of Karaulbazar district: Karaulbazar district, Geologists street, house 10. Phone: (65) 364-10-48
The address of the Romitansky district Security Department: Romitansky district, A. Temura Street, house 40. Phone: (65) 552-23-72
Address of the Security Department of the Vobkentsky district: Vobkentsky district, F. street. Khodjaeva, house 24. Phone: (65) 332-14-48
Address of the Security Department of the Jandar district: 144 M.Tarabi Street, Jandar district. Phone: (65) 582-21-08
Address of the Kagan City Security Department: Kagan city, Nurobod Street, house 31. Phone: (65) 522-22-15
The address of the Security Department of the Kagansky district: Kagansky district, 10 Muhammad Iqbola Street. Phone: (94) 541-05-50
The address of the Security Department of the Karakul district: Karakul district, Gulabad street, house 32.
The address of the Security Department of the Alatsky district: Alatsky district, Birdamlik street, house 10. Phone: (65) 342-10-52
The address of the Security Department of the Peshkunsky district: Peshkunsky district, Yangibazar street, house 6. Phone: 65) 353-03-89
The address of the Security Department of the Shafirkan district: Shafirkan district, Navruz street, house 11. Phone: (65) 502-23-02
The address of the Security Department of Gijduvansky district: Gijduvansky district, Hamadoni street, house 90. Phone: (65) 572-31-71
Head of the Directorate of Protection: Lieutenant colonel Abdullayev Khojiakbar Ergashevich
Address: 26, National revival street, Andijan city
Reception days: 09:00 - 12:00, Mon-Fri
The address of the Department of Protection of the Andijan region: the city of Andijan, M.Tiklanish street, house 26A. Phone: +99874 223-58-80
The address of the Security Department of the Askinsky district: Askinsky district, Gulistan street, house 2. Phone: +99874 232-27-83
The address of the Security Department of the Andijan district: Andijan district, Kuigan Yar, PFC street, house 2. Phone: +99874 373-13-54
The address of the Security Department of the Balykchinsky district: Balykchinsky district, A.Sultanova Street, house 16. Phone:+99874 323-20-59
Address of the Security Department of the Khojaabad district: 5 Uzun Street, Khojaabad. Phone: +99874 223-58-80
Address of the Security Department of the Borsky district: Borsky district. Phone: +99874 333-13-03
Address of the Security Department of Jalakuduk district: Jalakuduk district, Akhunbabayev city, Uzbekistan street 48. Phone: +99874 755-10-83