The address of the Security Department of the Bukhara region: Bukhara city, 10 Muhammad Iqbal Street.
The address of the Security Department of Karaulbazar district: Karaulbazar district, Geologists street, house 10. Phone: (65) 364-10-48
The address of the Romitansky district Security Department: Romitansky district, A. Temura Street, house 40. Phone: (65) 552-23-72
Address of the Security Department of the Vobkentsky district: Vobkentsky district, F. street. Khodjaeva, house 24. Phone: (65) 332-14-48
Address of the Security Department of the Jandar district: 144 M.Tarabi Street, Jandar district. Phone: (65) 582-21-08
Address of the Kagan City Security Department: Kagan city, Nurobod Street, house 31. Phone: (65) 522-22-15
The address of the Security Department of the Kagansky district: Kagansky district, 10 Muhammad Iqbola Street. Phone: (94) 541-05-50
The address of the Security Department of the Karakul district: Karakul district, Gulabad street, house 32.
The address of the Security Department of the Alatsky district: Alatsky district, Birdamlik street, house 10. Phone: (65) 342-10-52
The address of the Security Department of the Peshkunsky district: Peshkunsky district, Yangibazar street, house 6. Phone: 65) 353-03-89
The address of the Security Department of the Shafirkan district: Shafirkan district, Navruz street, house 11. Phone: (65) 502-23-02
The address of the Security Department of Gijduvansky district: Gijduvansky district, Hamadoni street, house 90. Phone: (65) 572-31-71