
15 October 2024
Preventive measures are regularly held

The Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Tashkent Region and together with the Military Prosecutorʼs Office of the Region regularly organize preventive measures to prevent offenses and crimes, and to improve the legal literacy of employees.

15 October 2024
The role of the National Guard in shaping feelings of patriotism in the hearts of young people

Today, educating the younger generation in the spirit of love for the Motherland, respect for national values and traditions is one of the most important tasks in our country. In this regard, the National is carrying out systematic work, and also pays special attention to the wide promotion of the idea of patriotism among young people.

14 October 2024
The ceremonies of awarding graduation certificates to students who successfully completed the training courses were held at the Regional Training Centers of the National Guard

The ceremonies of awarding graduation certificates to students who successfully completed the training courses were held at the Regional Training Centers of the National Guard

14 October 2024
A round table was organized with the participation of employees of departmental protection units

Important issues related to the duties of employees of departmental protection units were discussed at a round table organized recently.

14 October 2024
A training seminar on "Psychological health" was organized

A special role in the professional activities of the National Guard personnel is played by joining and adapting to the team, a fixed daily routine and interpersonal relationships. To this end, trainings and seminars are regularly organized aimed at developing and improving the professional skills of employees, as well as strengthening their psychological stability.

13 October 2024
A practical training on first aid has been organized

Practical first aid classes were held with the participation of employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of Ferghana region. Medical workers took part in the event and demonstrated first aid methods to employees. In addition, the specialists provided detailed explanations on the basic rules of first aid, measures that must be taken immediately in case of various injuries, as well as on the proper use of tourniquets in first aid.

12 October 2024
"Vigilant service is the key to school safety"

The Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Namangan region regularly organizes meetings dedicated to ensuring the safety of educational institutions.

11 October 2024
Employees organize awareness-raising events in cities and districts based on the principle of a "well-maintained and safe mahalla"

Employees of the Directorates of "Protection" of the National Guard of Samarkand and Ferghana regions organized preventive measures aimed at suppressing crimes and offenses in the regions, ensuring reliable protection of the property of individuals and legal entities, informing citizens about modern protection equipment, as well as the advantages of the "Protection" service.