
20 October 2024
An excursion to the Babur and World Culture Museum was organized

Every year, October 21 is the day when the Uzbek language was granted the status of state language in Uzbekistan. In this regard, employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Andijan Region visited the Babur and World Culture Museum, located in the Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur National Park.

19 October 2024
A "Meeting of three generations" was organized under the slogan "Native language is a solid foundation of the nationʼs spirituality"

In order to strengthen the feelings of patriotism and devotion to duty in the hearts of young employees, to educate a comprehensively developed generation capable of taking responsibility for the future and fate of our country with all its potential, as well as to carry out explanatory work in this direction, a "Meeting of three Generations" was held at the Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment of the National Guard Department for Kashkadarya region under the slogan "The native language is the solid foundation of the spirituality of the nation".

19 October 2024
An event dedicated to October 21, Day of the Uzbek language holiday, was held at the Directorate of "Protection" of Tashkent city.

The festive event was attended by the Deputy commander of the National Guard, Colonel S.Mamayusupov, First Deputy chairman of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, senator, poet M.Khojimatov, as well as Honored Cultural Worker-poetess Sh.Salimova.

18 October 2024
A training and methodological gathering was held for specialists in the field of combat readiness of territorial divisions of the Main Directorate of "Protection"

During the 3-day gathering, responsible employees of the Central Apparatus of the National Guard, the Ministries of Internal Affairs, Emergency Situations, Defense and the Main Directorate of "Protection" consolidated the knowledge of participants in the field of combat and professional, shooting, legal, special medical training, cybersecurity and confidentiality.

17 October 2024
Green space, green nature!

Regional divisions of the Main Directorate of "Protection" are organizing a number of landscaping activities within the autumn season of the nationwide project "Yashil Makon".

17 October 2024
The winners of the sambo competition among the units of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan were determined

Sambo competition for the championship of the National Guard took place on the basis of the National Guard Department for Khorezm region.

17 October 2024
Meetings for social support and problem solving were organized

Meetings have been organized to provide social support and solve problems of the National Guard and Directorate of "Protection" employees and their families.

16 October 2024
An employee of the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Bukhara region, private Khayotov Makhmud, took 2nd place at the Kickboxing World Championship

The national team of Uzbekistan returned triumphantly from Cambodia, where the K-1 Asian Kickboxing Championship among adults was held on October 6-13. Our national team has 3 bronze, 5 silver and 20 medals of the highest standard.