
18 November 2024

Another military-patriotic event dedicated to the 33rd anniversary of the adoption of the National Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan took place

The National Guard Department for Samarkand region and the Directorate of "Protection", together with the Department of Preschool and School Education, organized another military-patriotic event dedicated to the 33rd anniversary of the adoption of the National Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan, held at secondary school № 52 of Tailak district.
The speakers at the event spoke about the history of the adoption of the National Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its significance, as well as about the work being done to foster respect for the national flag, national values and strengthen feelings of love for the motherland.
During the event, an exhibition of special tools, archery workshops, draughts competitions, tug of war, lifting weights, as well as drawing contests were organized for the children.
According to the results of the competitions and the competition, the most active, as well as the winners, were awarded diplomas and an anthology of educational literature.