
25 June 2024


The Republican Childrenʼs Library is a modern and multidisciplinary public place in the center of Tashkent city. In this connection, for the first time, a trip to this library was organized for the families of National Guard personnel in order to spend their summer vacations in a useful way.
During the trip, the staff and their families familiarized themselves with all the conditions created for the development of young peopleʼs intellectual and creative abilities. Here, children from three to 16 years old have a unique opportunity to touch the world of books, and adults can work on their own projects and relax from the hustle and bustle of the city.
In the process of familiarizing themselves with the library, the National Guard members focused on the interests of their children. Together with them, they had the opportunity to get acquainted and read books that their children liked. It is worth noting that the officers registered with the library, which allowed them to take books home and use special features such as equipment.
Our people have long been interested in reading books. The main purpose of the trip to the Republican Childrenʼs Library is to pass on these traditions to our children, to further increase the reading level among the staff, and to familiarize them with new works.