At a meeting on priority tasks in the social sphere, held on February 5 this year under the leadership of the head of our state, the staff of psychological inspectors in schools was transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the National Guard system.
In order to increase the interest of the staff of the Directorate of "Protection" of Ferghana region in its history, as well as to preserve the rich cultural heritage left by our ancestors, an excursion to the regional museum of local lore in Ferghana city was organized.
As part of the crime prevention Day, another preventive event was organized in the Directorate of "Protection" of Tashkent city. Judges of the Military Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan and employees of the "Protection" service took part in the event on the topic "Prevention of crime and violations of the rule of law".
Today, under the leadership of the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan – the Military Prosecutor of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a mass visiting reception was held in Zarafshan city, Navoi region. The responsible heads of ministries and departments that are part of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Military Prosecutorʼs Office and the Armed Forces took part. The field reception began with a meeting with military personnel, staff and their families. During the meeting, the speakers spoke about the opportunities created for employees and the ongoing work in the field of social protection.
As a result of such events, folding knives called "butterfly" were seized from pupils of the eighth grade of school № 195 and the eleventh grade of school № 178 of Chilanzar district, and a pen–shaped knife was seized from a ninth-grader of school № 267 of Sergeli district.
Educational and practical seminars were organized on the topics "The introduction by psychological inspectors in secondary schools of a new approach to learning processes, the psychosocial development of minors, the formation of immunity to behavioral deviations in order to improve the psychological environment" with the participation of psychological inspectors and "Modern methods of early diagnosis of behavioral disorders in adolescents" with the participation of specialist psychologists who have begun to to his duties in 537 secondary schools of Khorezm region.
In connection with March 8, the International Womenʼs Day, the regional stage of the Tumaris Followers competition was held at the National Guard Department for Surkhandarya region.
The well-being of citizens largely depends on peace and stability in the country.