In order to strengthen the feelings of patriotism and belonging to the fate of the motherland in the hearts of young people, as well as to increase the interest of the younger generation in the military profession, employees of the Main Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard and its regional divisions are carrying out a number of systematic works.
In order to spend the free time of young people and form feelings of patriotism in their hearts, military-patriotic events are organized in secondary schools of Syrdarya region.
A round table was organized with the participation of the responsible employee of the Committee on Religious Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, aimed at increasing the vigilance and awareness of the personnel of the Tashkent Regional Training Center of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as increasing their knowledge and strengthening immunity against various alien ideologies.
Along with spring, a symbol of rejuvenation and renewal comes to our region – the wonderful holiday of Navruz. In order to properly hold the holiday in our country, beautify and green mahallas and residential areas, and support strata of the population in need of social support, a nationwide charity hashar will be held on March 16-18 under the slogan "A tidy and prosperous makhalla – beauty of the country"
In order to strengthen the feelings of patriotism and belonging to the fate of the motherland in the hearts of young people, as well as to educate the younger generation in the spirit of respect for national values, military-patriotic festivals, youth holidays and spiritual and educational events are regularly organized.
In the National Guard Department for Kashkadarya region, with the participation of employees of the Directorate of "Protection", a preventive event was organized aimed at strengthening official discipline and legality among personnel, creating an atmosphere of intolerance towards cases of violation of law and order, as well as suppressing the occurrence of various unforeseen cases.
Today, in our country, the issue of educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism is a priority task, to which the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan also makes a worthy contribution.
On March 12 of this year, the principal and the inspector-psychologist of school № 200 of Chilanzar district of the capital analyzed the attendance and academic performance of students, as a result of which they invited citizen M.E., the father of one of the pupils who regularly skip classes and violate discipline, to a conversation.