Systematic work is underway in the regions to organize various events aimed at strengthening the younger generationʼs sense of love and belonging to the fate of the motherland, creating conditions for young people to find a worthy place in society, as well as professional orientation.
Museums play a special role in educating citizens in the spirit of respect for national values and our rich history.
Psychologists-specialists of the Directorate of "Protection" of Samarkand region organized another psychological training for employees of the department of "Protection" of Samarkand city.
In order to educate youth in the spirit of patriotism and belonging to the fate of the motherland, to develop interest in the Armed Forces, a military-patriotic event was organized for pupils of secondary school № 15 of Andijan district.
At the initiative of the National Guard Department for Ferghana region and the Directorate of "Protection", a 10-kilometer marathon was organized in Ferghana city under the slogan "For a healthy life".
Today, a trip to the Museum of Victims of Repression of Gulistan State University has been organized for the families of military personnel and employees of the National Guard Department for Syrdarya region and the Directorate of "Protection".
Recently, the solemn opening of the military-patriotic classes "Yosh gvardiyachilar" took place in secondary schools № 1 and № 9 of Angor district of Surkhandarya region. Representatives of the district khokimiyat, the National Guard Department and Directorate of "Protection", officials of the Department of Preschool and School Education, activists of mahallas, elders and the general public took part in the ceremonies.
As part of the crime prevention Day, a round table was organized with the participation of the personnel of the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Ferghana region, aimed at maintaining official discipline and legality among the personnel, creating an atmosphere of intolerance towards violations of law and order, as well as suppressing various unpleasant situations.