Psychologists-specialists of the Directorate of "Protection" of Samarkand region regularly conduct psychological trainings with the participation of personnel aimed at forming a physically and mentally healthy environment, timely elimination of problems that have arisen.
The theater is a hearth of spirituality. Thatʼs what our great ancestor Mahmudhoja Behbudi said. There is a whole world of meaning in this short sentence. Indeed, since ancient times the theater has been considered a place of the center of culture, and also occupies a special place in human education.
It is worth noting that the measures implemented throughout the republic together with the departments responsible for strengthening the "school – parent – mahalla" chain are already yielding positive results. At the same time, the work of dedicated and conscientious teachers is not ignored.
Today, in all organizations and institutions of our republic, great attention is paid to the health and safety of personnel.
During the seminar, pupils got acquainted with the exhibition organized by professional schools in the courtyard of the educational institution, visited the job fair, and also visited special vocational training rooms for boys and girls. In addition, the demonstration performances of the employees of the department of "Protection" of the National Guard of Namangan city made a special impression on the children.
Strengthening the institution of the family is an urgent problem in the world. The increase in the number of family breakups, the current unhealthy atmosphere in families, the breakdown of marriages – all this causes a lot of internal psychological stresses, conflicts and other negative consequences.
In order to consolidate the skills of the personnel of the Main Directorate of "Protection" in the order of movement in emergency situations, fires, as well as their extinguishing, a practical lesson was organized with the participation of employees of the Emergency Management Department of Tashkent city.
On the occasion of the 583rd anniversary of Hazrat Alisher Navoi, the great poet and thinker, Sultan of gazelles, employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of Samarkand region visited the Alisher Navoi Museum, founded at the Samarkand State University.