The National Guard Department for Andijan region and the Directorate of "Protection", together with responsible organizations, held military-patriotic and sports events aimed at spending the free time of pupils with benefit, promoting a healthy lifestyle among them and educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism.
At the meeting, which took place with the participation of the responsible Military Prosecutorʼs Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the National Guard Department for Syrdarya region and the Directorate of "Protection", issues of suppressing violations of discipline, various unpleasant situations among personnel, maintaining official discipline, as well as accidents during the management of personal and official transport were discussed.
In our country, one of the most pressing issues is the unification, cohesion of youth and the development of communication skills, the upbringing of a physically and spiritually healthy, comprehensively developed generation, as well as the formation of feelings of national pride in the hearts of boys and girls. To this end, on the initiative of the National Guard, competitions and contests are held in all regions of our republic under the slogan "I am a patriot".
Theatrical art plays an important role in the development of the spiritual world of man, his knowledge and thinking. After all, art calls people to goodness, gives them the most wonderful feelings. The theater is a place of education, culture, spirituality and enlightenment.
To date, systematic work is being carried out to educate the younger generation in the spirit of love and belonging to the fate of the Motherland, as well as professional orientation of young people. The National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan also makes a worthy contribution in this direction. For example, the National Guard Department for Samarkand region and the Directorate of "Protection", together with the Department of Preschool and School Education, conduct a number of military-patriotic events.
In order to further improve the legal knowledge of the personnel, strengthen service discipline and prevent violations of the rule of law, a meeting with the participation of military personnel and employees was organized in the National Guard Department for Kashkadarya region.
The well-being and happiness of citizens largely depend on peace and stability in the country.
In order to spend the free time of young people with benefit, further develop their interest in sports and strengthen feelings of patriotism, a military patriotic event was organized at secondary school № 35 in Bukhara city on the initiative of the National Guard Department for Bukhara region and the Directorate of "Protection" together with the regional military prosecutorʼs office and the school administration.