As part of the Crime Prevention Day, a preventive event was held with the participation of personnel of the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Ferghana region, dedicated to maintaining official discipline and legality, creating an atmosphere of intolerance towards offenses, and suppressing various unpleasant situations.
In order to implement the priorities set by the head of our state in practice, the National Guard has been entrusted with ensuring attendance and safety in secondary schools.
Officials of the Directorate "Protection" of Khorezm region organized a training seminar in Koshkupir district for employees of departmental protection units serving in educational institutions, government departments and business organizations.
The Main Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard and its regional divisions organize events in mahallas, markets, shopping malls and pharmacies in order to ensure the inviolability of the property of individuals and legal entities.
Today, great opportunities have been created for the younger generation, and a new system of their education in the spirit of patriotism is being improved.
At the initiative of the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Kashkadarya region, hand-to-hand combat competitions for the Cup of the head of the Directorate of "Protection" were organized among young people.
Patriotic, sports and entertainment events are held throughout our republic in childrenʼs health camps aimed at making use of the summer holidays of schoolchildren, increasing their physical and intellectual potential.
Ensuring the safety of educational institutions in our country is one of the important tasks. In order to increase the efficiency of work in this direction, the responsible employees of the Directorate of "Protection" of the National Guard of Tashkent region recently organized a seminar with the participation of those serving on the basis of a new system of school staff located in Yangiyul district.